
Dear Mr. Shapira
For years I was searching for the straw hats of my
dreams. One day I passed by the window of Szaszi Hats, and my dream
became reality. You created a work of art for me and I wear it all
summer long with joy and respect. You are a true master hat maker
and have proven that hat making is alive and well.
With deep thanks and best wishes,
O. University professor
Directeur du Centre de Droit Public, Paris
Dear Mr. Shapira,
It was a great pleasure to have met you and to have
seen your place of work. A fascinating insight into tradition and
style which I very much appreciated.
With all good wishes,
Antony Ford
British Ambassdor, Vienna |
Peter Sengl

Dear Mr. Shapira,
I found this shop when I was taking a walk in Vienna,
when I saw a very small, moderate shop-window. I pushed the bell
beside it, and that was the beginning of my adventure to the secret
pleasure. The small window led me to wonderland: Panamas of an incredibly
high quality, just the right felts, and rare woven silk ribbons
in various colours.
In this shop the quality which we thought had been
lost years ago is still alive. This is the reason I come here from
the far East of the world, and it gives me a special pleasure.
Today I have two Homburgs in my closet at home, and
they are both good friends: One is gray, made just of the right
felt, and one is a Panama of splendid quality.
Best regards,
Mitsuo Fujiwara, Japan
Dear Mr.Shapira,
It is barely possible to count the years I had been searching for
the straw hat of my imagination… Until one day I incredulously stood
before the store-front of Szaszi-Hats. Out of the buried dream arose
a real possibility and finally a reality. You taught me the things
that really matter, how one is to choose – and you produced a
masterpiece that I wear in the summer-time with Joy and pride.
You are a real master! You prove that the art of the master hatter
is still alive.
With all my heartfelt thanks and best wishes,
Professor Dr.Dr. Otto Pfersmann
Director of the Centre for Comparative Public Law, Paris
Dear Mr. Shapira,
You are the one who, through your art, can cover
what houses the fire of thought.
Many thanks,
Dr. Med. Franz Maximilian Rasche, Vienna |